St Joseph's - Latest News

St Josephs Community Lunch

St Josephs will hold a pre AGM lunch on Sunday 2 February 

at the Bodega la Solera Restaurant near the Chapel. 

Time 1.15pm   -   Subscription € 20

Spot Prizes.

As numbers will be limited please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to attend

Contact Michael at the Chapel 

or e mail -

Jim Egan RIP

We regret to announce the death of Jim Egan RIP a long standing member of the Community of St Josephs Fuengirola. 

Along with his wife of 65 years May they provided many nights of musical enjoyment for the those of us who were 

fortunate to enjoy it. He will be greatly missed.


Given the recent disaster in Valencia and the efforts of the Fuengirola Council to forward immediate supplies St Josephs forwarded a donation. We were advised that supplies were sought not money.

It was decided on the spot that supplies be obtained from a local Supermarket and presented to the Council to support their efforts.

St Josephs pre Lenten Lunch

St Josephs pre lenten lunch was held on Sunday 11 February 

at the Bodega la Solera Restaurant near the Chapel. 

It was very enjoyable with a range of prizes

the draw for which raised €115 for the Chapel.

St Joseph's receives no income 

other than weekend collections 

and annual membership. 

As the Chapel has continuing outgoing commitments the biggest of which is the rent payable for the Priests apartment we will be grateful to receive any donations. 


For further details 

please see donations page. 

Thank You.

We are grateful for donations already received.

This website and hosting has been provided free 

by the 

Only in God group 

and we thank them for their sponsorship.

His Lordship Bishop Jesus of Malaga

had arranged to celebrate 11 Mass 

on Sunday 29 March 2020 in St Joseph's. 

We thank His Lordship and we hope 

to rearrange his visit 

at an appropriate time in the future.  

May God bless and protect you all. 

Please pray for the souls of   

Jim Egan RIP

Bernard Dillon RIP

Nuala Gill RIP

Shiela Gallagher RIP

Sylvia Mitchell RIP

Paddy Lynam RIP

Jack Mooney RIP

Vera Rosenkranz RIP

Carmel O'Gorman RIP

Christine Sheehan RIP

Eamon O'Connor RIP

Jean Fenton RIP

John Jackman RIP

John Daly RIP

Celine McGonigle RIP

John Burke RIP

Fr Paddy O'Kane RIP

Maura Whelan RIP

Walter (Wally) & Brid Myles RIP

Debbie Lynn RIP

Sinead Gill RIP

Annie Cossins RIP

David Coleman RIP

Louis O'Garra RIP

and all other deceased members 

of St Josephs

Remember also 

Fr Jarleth Henegan RIP 

a great servant of  St Josephs 

who died in August 2022

In Loving Memory of

Frank Fitzpatrick RIP

originator of St Joseph's Chapel

1930 - 2020

and his wife 


Margaret RIP

the first President 

of St Joseph's Chapel

who passed to the Lord 

on 17th July 2021