Welcome From the President 

Michael Roddy

The wonderful facility of St Joseph's Chapel in Fuengirola has been in existence for just over 45 years.


Whilst we have a small permanent community here in Fuengirola we have countless numbers of visitors who come on holiday and are pleased to be able to attend Holy Mass in the English language. Many have become members of St Joseph's so all in all we do have a much wider community drawn from all over the world.  


We have been blessed over the years for the wonderful priests who have not only said Mass each day but have looked after our Spiritual needs. St Joseph's is unique in many ways. Vatican II envisaged a greater role for the laity in the Church and the situation in St.Joseph's is that the lay Association looks after the temporal needs of the Chapel etc. leaving the visiting clergy available to ensure our spiritual needs are well looked after.


We thank in particular the Columbans for their continuing help and support and in particular Fr Val Kyne.


I am delighted and honoured to be the President of the Association. The elected committee is full of talented people who bring their different talents together to the benefit not just of the community but all who attend St Joseph's.    


It is as envisaged in 1 Corinthians 12


'There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of working but the same God  works all of them in all men.'

If you are a member of the Community or even a visitor if you feel you can offer your time, your talent to help in the work of the Council please make yourself known to any of the community. 


To those who have already found and attended Mass in St Joseph's I say a big 'hello'. To those who have still to come to St Joseph's you will find a warmness and a welcome.


To everyone I bid you welcome to our site. I trust you find it worthwhile in the praise of our Divine Lord.



God Bless You All,


Michael Roddy


Catholic Association of St Joseph's Chapel.